Providing mental health support through regular weekly sessions as well as one on one counseling

ANS run online weekly CST program via zoom with some of our young people from the age group 15 and above. Throughout this lockdown, we tried to connect our youths and families through online. For the session on online CST, what we did was basically giving our young people guidance regarding ‘Mental Health and how to navigate Covid-19 effectively’. We had been trying to reach out to the young people if they were found mentally disturbed and struggling. Regular interactions, team building games and activities,
discussion and sharing from both facilitators and participants took place in the CST. We also provided counseling and guidance to the young people and their families if needed and we followed up them for the better relationship and connection. Normally it took 1.5 hours to finish any session on CST. The one and only purpose of this online CST was to create a platform for them to normalize the situation by learning about mental health