Kabin Sunuwar

“If ASYC were not here, I can’t tell you what wrong things I could have done and have ruined my life. I had learned to smoke and started tasting drugs, there was not a single day that I didn’t get into trouble like fighting. I used to be a very angry person, I used to disrespect my parents and sisters, I used to speak all kinds of vulgar words but now I am so much changed. I used to be so egoistic and very rude to my friends and family. I did not know about my own personality and perspectives before. I used to copy my senior brothers just to make sure I got the same attention from the people but I was wrong, now I have realized that I do not need to copy other to show who I am. I have started implementing what I have learnt and I feel so changed now that sometimes I even forgot my past background. I really want to thank ANS and ANS staffs for providing me love, care and support whenever I needed. I feel accepted and loved at ANS so it is like my second home. I am investing on my present so that I can be a good leader in future and make impact on so many other young people who are at risk”