Pramila Sunuwar

Pramila had lost all her hope of going back to school again. She went to a public government school.

Below is her story of how HAP at ANS helped her succeed…

“I was studying in grade 10. It was very difficult for me because I didn’t have a study environment at my home. I didn’t have any extra help on my studies too. I could not succeed in SLC (School Leaving Certificate) which made me very disappointed. When I went to the Youth Centre, it was a safe place for me. I received counseling and encouragement from the Youth Centre to deal with my failure in the SLC exam. I tried again to appear for SLC exams but could not succeed due to some reasons. This made me lose all my hope of going back to school again. I had no longer any aim in life. But I received regular counseling from the Youth Centre and again got encouraged to try for this exam. When Homework Assistance Program started at the Youth Centre, it kind of instilled a hope in me again to continue my studies. YC gave me an opportunity to join this program. I received a very good help from the tutors of this program. I received help in all my subjects. I started studying with a plan. I worked hard, a help and an encouragement was always available for me at YC, and this year, finally, I was able to succeed in this exam. Perhaps, it would not be possible for me to succeed on this exam if I had not received help and regular encouragement from the Youth Centre. I believe there are many young people like me who need such a support. I hope to receive a regular support from YC for my further studies…”