Aasha Thapa Magar

The facilitation training in Arise and Shine was very productive. For me the three weeks was very blessing and fruitful. It change the way of my perspective of facilitating. I learn the systematic way of facilitation and the role as a facilitator. Before I was not too confident on being facilitator but now as I got many ideas on how to facilitate, I am much more confident on how to facilitate. I learn that it is not about what you teach but it is always about the learner how much did they learn, in simple term “learning should be happening”. So the training was very helpful for self-growth and for the future in my career. I specially enjoy the last two days of training where we practically present the presentation on various topic that we were given. It boosts our mind more on what we learn on our previous days by doing it practically. The content that Joshua Dai bring was very effective.

So as a conclusion the training was very good,helpful for our future career and effective. I hope ANS would bring more and more training like this in future which is very demanding and necessary for the today context of Nepal among youth and hope to participate in more training in coming days.