It’s you. Thank you for reading.
Jokes apart, it’s technically the truth. Well, to be more specific, your true enemy is the perception of you that you created yourself. Am I telling you to slap yourself? Definitely not. (But if you do, send me a video)
What we think of ourselves is so crucial, because our perception of us translates into our behavior. If you think you are not worthy of love, or you are not good enough to do certain things, chances are you have imposed those tags on yourself. But it’s not your fault as there are some factors that play a role in creating your perceptions: your upbringing (fancy word for “how you grew up”), your friend circle, and so on.
Now, the good news is, perception can be molded (changed). And the least good news is, it’s very hard.
I’m not going to give you advice on changing your perception like I have already succeeded in doing so. I don’t have a degree in psychology, so why would I give you an adv-
Here are 2 ways you can work on it:
- Distancing yourself from toxic people: If any of your associates (fancy word for people you know) love to put you down, criticize your success, doesn’t value you, always insist on doing things their way. I’ve 3 words for you “Bhaag Milka Bhaag”, if you are a girl “Bhaag Milki Bhaag”. Find new people who will help you get better in life. Relationships are give-and-take and both parties must benefit.
- Working on your weaknesses: To have a strong perception of yourself, you must first gain confidence in yourself. One of the ways we can do that is by strengthening our weaknesses and insecurities. When we work on ourselves, we empower ourselves.
Perception doesn’t stay constant; it may evolve with time. You will need to keep working to keep it optimal (reasonably healthy). On the way you may feel like giving up, but always remember, I will steal one of your socks if you give up. Auf Wiedersehen (See you again)